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Spotlight on Auckland

We dive deep into Auckland’s online shopping patterns for the quarter, seeing who’s spending, how often, how much and where it’s going.

Online’s big growth challenge

See how big the numbers were this quarter and what drove them. Compare the year-to-date with last year and pre-Covid days.

Adapting & learning

The Meat Box has been embracing change through lockdowns, delivering strong results for them and good lessons for other online retailers.

Lessons from Event Days 2020

We look back on 2020’s numbers and trends to help inform how retailers approach the big sales event season we’re expecting this November.

Effective online marketing thinking

Practical ideas to attract new shoppers to your online store and to grow the value of existing customers.

10 tips to make the most of Event Days

Practical ideas to attract new shoppers to your online store and to grow the value of existing customers.

On our way to a record year 2021?

Is the Kiwi love affair with online shopping still growing? See how Q2 numbers look compared to 2020 and 2019.

The BNPL juggernaut continues

See what’s driving exponential growth and whether BNPL is delivering the benefits it promises for retailers.

Delivering experiences that matter

We look at the key moments retailers need to focus on for a great delivery experience.

Ripe for change

For one Tauranga-based business, the 2020 online surge was a reminder that nothing stands still in the world of e-commerce.
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