Displaying: 10/16 for Shopper Insights

Online shopping rises, spending stays steady

Kiwi shoppers spent $1.39 billion online on physical goods in the second quarter of 2024 (Q2 2024), up 1% from the same period last year (Q2 2023). This marginal growth in spending was driven by an 8% increase in the number of online transactions.

eCommerce Market Sentiments Report 2024 Download

Our annual look at how online retailers and shoppers saw the last year and what they are expecting and prioritising in the year ahead.

The search for value continues

Kiwis spent $1.39 billion online on physical goods in the first quarter of 2024 (Q1 2024). Despite the tough economic times, and a lower average spend per transaction, online spending overall was up 2% on Q1 2023. Online’s continued growth this quarter was driven by 19% more online transactions than the same quarter in 2023.

Online shoppers hunt for value amid tighter budgets in Q4 2023

Kiwi shoppers spent $1.6 billion online on physical goods in quarter four of 2023 (Q4 2023), up 5% on Q4 2022.

Demand for sustainability

Consumers are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious. Promoting your sustainable business practices so consumers pick your business over others.
Content type

eCommerce Market Sentiments Report 2023

Our annual look at how online retailers and shoppers saw the last year and what they are prioritising in the year ahead. Along with key insights, it features two case studies and an expert opinion.

eCommerce Market Sentiments Report 2022

Shopper and retailer research, case studies and expert opinions on the state of online shopping 2022.

Omicron bucks the trend

The relationship between COVID and online shopping took an unexpected turn in Q1 2022. What happened and why?

The value of sales events

Learn how leading sports supplements provider, Sportsfuel have used sales events to drive customer acquisitions and grow existing customers.

Online’s big growth challenge

See how big the numbers were this quarter and what drove them. Compare the year-to-date with last year and pre-Covid days.