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eCommerce Market Sentiments Report 2022

Shopper and retailer research, case studies and expert opinions on the state of online shopping 2022.

Omicron bucks the trend

The relationship between COVID and online shopping took an unexpected turn in Q1 2022. What happened and why?

The economic perspective

Kiwibank’s Chief Economist, Jarrod Kerr, tells us what’s driving our economy and his outlook for the future.
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Q1 2022

Kiwis spent more than $2.2 billion on online shopping in Q1 2022. What drove their shopping behaviours?

A discussion with NZ Post and OfficeMax

Sustainability is a hot topic, and one that is top of mind for many businesses.
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The value of sales events

Learn how leading sports supplements provider, Sportsfuel have used sales events to drive customer acquisitions and grow existing customers.

The biggest quarter

See how big the numbers were in Q4 2021 and what drove them, and how this spending compares to 2020’s Q4.

2021’s seismic shopping shift

Find out what drove this year’s growth including the sectors, regions and age-groups that saw the biggest rises.

The biggest sales month

A look at the latest online shopping numbers, trends, and insights for November 2021.

Volume challenges

This special update looks at the online shopping numbers, trends and insights during this period of unprecedented growth.