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eCommerce Market Sentiments Report 2023

Our annual look at how online retailers and shoppers saw the last year and what they are prioritising in the year ahead. Along with key insights, it features two case studies and an expert opinion.

Q1 2023 - the economic cut back

A review of online shopping numbers and trends in the first quarter of 2023, exploring the impact that tough economic conditions had on shopping behaviour.

The Going Global Guide 

Reaching new customers around the world may not be as difficult as you think. In our Going Global Guide we outline some of the things you need to consider to get going.
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Shoppers respond to tough conditions in Q4 2022

A review of online shopping numbers and trends in the last quarter of 2022, exploring the impact the tough economic conditions had on shopping behaviour.

2022 eCommerce review

A summary all the big numbers, drivers and trends that shaped online shopping in 2022.

Kiwis spend big but with caution

Kiwis embraced this November’s big online sales events – Click Frenzy, Singles’ Day, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. While on the surface the numbers were impressive, the real story is the impact that tough economic conditions continue to have on how Kiwis spend.

The start of a new era?

All Q3 2022’s online sales numbers, trends and insights in our latest eCommerce Spotlight.

Preparing for the big sales period ahead

We explore 5 key areas of a great delivery experience that gives you a competitive advantage.

Top tips for sales events 2022

10 useful tips to attract new shoppers, and grow the value of existing customers, from this year’s sales event days.

Q2 2022 - facing the economic reality

Have online shoppers returned to their pre-pandemic instore habits or is the economic situation reducing their ability to spend?