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Global hotspots

Who’s buying Kiwi products around the world and how to get them there? NZ Post share their insights.
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Digital Boost

Find out more about how the Government’s latest initiative can support your digital adoption.

NZ Post Product innovation

Hear about product innovation from NZ Post and Sian Roosenbrand, Digital Director at NZ Muscle.
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Looking back and forward with Trade Me

Our largest online marketplace, Trade Me, shares its views on 2020 and what the year ahead could hold.

Exploring Q4 2020’s highs

Did singles Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas all add up to the biggest shopping quarter ever?
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December 2020 spending

Did we go instore or online for Christmas? Are the Boxing Day sales still a big deal?
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2021 - The year of opportunity

NZ Post’s Chris Wong tells us about the top 5 trends shaping eCommerce in 2021.
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2020’s key trends

Lockdowns drove many new shoppers online in 2020. Who were they? What did they buy? What were the key trends?

Shopper profiles 2020

What regions and demographics are spending the most? What are they buying?
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November 2020 spend volumes

How big were the numbers? Was November bigger than what we saw in level 4 lockdown?
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