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Ready for peak 2020?

Online sales through Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Singles Week, leading into Christmas, usually see a big spike. What can we expect this year?

The rise and rise of online

Did the rise in alert levels accelerate the growth in online shopping or was it more of the same? How did their online spending patterns compare to the first lockdown? And to the rest of NZ?
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Online marketplaces

See who's flocking to Marketplaces in 2020 and why.

Growth in a recession

Watch strategist, Debbie Humphrey from Spring talk about the challenges and opportunities of business growth during a recession.

Buy Now Pay Later

BNPL is growing fast in 2020. See who’s signing up.
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Lessons from COVID-19

Tracy Ahern from Au Natural Skinfood talks about how they’ve adapted, and continue to succeed on the global stage, despite COVID-19.

COVID-19 drives online and local

First timers, repeat shoppers or a combination of both? Buying locally, globally or bulk? See all the trends through lockdowns.

How are the sectors tracking through COVID-19?

Groceries. Footwear. Electronics. Books. Who are the winners and losers and what’s driving their results?
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Where did the lockdown spend go?

Not all sectors won in online growth. See who the big winners were.
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What do the experts think?

Prof. Jonathan Elms from Massey University Business School talks to us about how COVID-19 has changed the online world and what that could mean for retailers.